First Look Gnomes

Chaos, Cheers, and Dad Mishaps Finale

First Look Gnomes Season 2 Episode 11

Join us at the bottom of the garden 

Ever sprained an ankle while playing with a dog or tried moving a sofa through a too-narrow doorway?...

In our grand finale of season two, we share the hilariously unplanned and chaotic moments that have shaped our journey. From savouring the rich flavours of Vocation Brewery's Double Tonka Frappe Coffee Stout to recounting our mishaps and near-disasters, this episode is a rollercoaster of humour and camaraderie. We also take a moment to appreciate our loyal 'Fab 50' listeners and our growing international audience, including new friends from Kensington, Germany, and Cairo.

As we ponder this and other reasons for our season break, we look forward to launching a website and bringing in a Forbes-listed guest for season three. We're also planning a meet-up in October, where we might record some special audio snippets for you. Amid the banter, we discuss the logistical challenges of moving house while balancing parenting, the value of good beer, and the quirky joys of life. Plus, we've got some nostalgic stories about past injuries and humorous dad anecdotes that you won't want to miss.

Finally, we wrap up with some unexpected first looks, including a luxurious sailing yacht, All Saints' first African store in Cairo, and the UK's first Museum of Illusions in Manchester. Amid the playful critiques and last-minute scrambles that shaped this episode. 

We share some wholesome dad jokes to leave you in stitches. As we bid farewell, we express our heartfelt gratitude for your support and remind you to stay in touch via email or Instagram. Until next season, stay tuned and keep the laughter alive!

Join us at the bottom of the garden for a first look at;

  • Dad Ankles , 
  • Moving Home , 
  • First Look News , 
  • Les Miserables Arena Tour

And the usual 'Tips for Dads' and questions for the 'Gno-It All' Gnome

Thirsty Firsts of
Double Tonka Frappe | Tonka Latte Stout 8.0% 440ml
Death By Cherries | 4.5% Cherry Sour 440ml

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Speaker 1:

Sorry, sorry. Okay, this must be going to be a lot of people. It is. I'm sorry. I'm still prepared. I just realised I've not got a song. End of season two Hang on. No, I've not got a song.

Speaker 2:

I thought I did, and then I just realized that's too cheesy, isn't it too cheesy?

Speaker 1:

end of season two. This is our 26th episode. Uh, no, welcome back, nomies. For a final episode of season two where we have a first look at, for a final episode of season two where we have a first look at various things. Tips for dads maybe the note or gnome will arrive. I think the note or gnome's gone to sleep he's around.

Speaker 2:

He's got a new shed, has he? He's got a new shed did you just tell us. This was the 26th episode 26th episode no way. How much beer have we drank in 26 episodes?

Speaker 1:

um, we've got an average of 50 core know me listeners that listen to every episode, which, um you know, compared to your professional podcast, is perhaps not a lot, but I think that's bigger than the classroom, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

you know what I'm happy with that. The fab 50. It's quality, not quantity.

Speaker 1:

That's what we're after for one final time this episode and but we'll be back for season three in um, it's not the end of november probably, uh, or maybe after the Christmas special, who knows? Or what else as well.

Speaker 2:

Like by next season, we may actually have a website.

Speaker 1:

We might have a website. We might have a website. We will, yeah.

Speaker 2:

We're going to do the website.

Speaker 1:

We will have a website.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We will have a website.

Speaker 2:

We're going to have a website by episode one of season two.

Speaker 1:

You don't know. Uh, we also promised a Forbes listed guest as well. Um, we forgot about that but uh, we'll hold uh those highlights for season three Um sorry listeners, but keep keep on listening. We'll keep on your toes keep on your toes, um, for some amazing things. Keep on listening, we'll keep you on your toes. Keep you on your toes for some amazing things. Grab your tackle, mr Hodgkiss.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if I want to Williams. I don't want it to be on no aww, grab your grab your fish can I just ask why are we having a break? Because it's usually a long break between seasons anyway. Well, I mean, what? What's the reason between the season breaks? Is it just like to put it off for five weeks instead of four weeks?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. We've got busy stuff going on in October, haven't we Got a busy?

Speaker 2:

October there is some busy stuff going on.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to see you in October and, to be honest, I don't want to speak to you again in the same month well, last time I saw you, which was last October, we were going to do a live episode it was September. It was September last time you saw us was it last September, and we were going to get together and do it in the flesh, and we never did no, we didn't, but maybe, maybe in October we'll do some little audio recordings and we'll put one in the next episode.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that would be good, yeah, yeah. All right then I'll grab my tackle, grab your fishnet.

Speaker 1:

We'll grab your tackle if you want.

Speaker 2:

That's a bit rude, I'll grab my tackle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Off to Fishpond of Feedback.

Speaker 2:

Fishpond of Feedback Feedback.

Speaker 1:

The quality of these episodes is improving. Each episode, new listeners, people are still listening we have got africa a new listener from kensington, that's royal kensington and chelsea very nice we have a new listener from bad einhausen A new listener from Bad. Einhausen In Germany. North Rhine, that's in Germany. Yes, bad Einhausen, guten Tag.

Speaker 2:

Which is German for Bad? One House, not a clue, great beer.

Speaker 1:

And we have a new listener. Oh oh, we have a new listener from Cairo, egypt.

Speaker 2:

Africa. We did that without a website and without proper marketing. We managed to get into Egypt. We covered all continents apart from Antarctica, without a website and without proper marketing.

Speaker 1:

We've managed to get into Egypt. We've covered all continents apart from Antarctica.

Speaker 2:

Yes, but that one doesn't count. There's no one living there.

Speaker 1:

No, we have known listeners all around the world. Welcome.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Cairo, in Egypt, africa.

Speaker 2:

Let's just dig into that, williams. Isn't that mad, right? So we're in our little homes in the United Kingdom recording this whilst having a beer on a Friday evening, and then in a week or two's time, you publish this and it goes out to the world and somebody in Cairo has somehow thought about something. In a week or two's time, you publish this and it goes out to the world and somebody in Cairo has somehow thought about something. And down the rabbit hole, whatever rabbit hole they may be, they've ended up on a podcast.

Speaker 1:

What is a?

Speaker 2:

gnome yeah, they might have. Yeah, do the.

Speaker 1:

What is a Gnome? And then let's take a look at some gnomes, and then, oh, hang on. What's this First? Let gnomes, let's go up have a listen.

Speaker 2:

But in order for us to actually record them as an actual listener, they actually have to download and subscribe to the podcast. Uh-huh, uh-huh. So like they've thought, all right, this is well, we'll have a listen. It was described to it how random. That is random. That is random. Do they have names in?

Speaker 1:

egypt. Do they have names in egypt?

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

We should ask chat right in see right in um ask chat gt gpt. See, I'm off the age where it's ask google or ask know again go back to two episodes.

Speaker 2:

If you ask, google what you was I'll give a mic, yeah yeah, you're old school, isn't it?

Speaker 1:

you're old school, yeah I'm old school, I still for me. I still type in hotmailcom as opposed to outlook do you really?

Speaker 2:

yeah have you still got a myspace page? No, never had, no, you would never call up to have one of those.

Speaker 1:

No, that was just to have your own little music thing. Was it MySpace? Was MySpace like a music?

Speaker 2:

thing I don't really remember. I never had one. I may have set one up just to see what it was like. There was a few, weren't there?

Speaker 1:

There was like MySpace. I had MSN Messenger or what it's called.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that was good. This is a good indication of our range as well. Did you have free servers internet?

Speaker 1:

I think I did at some point yeah.

Speaker 2:

Tenny a minute I used to get in the post.

Speaker 1:

I don't think we had AOL, but I remember constantly getting a CD saying join your free AOL account yes, install it, put it into your PC.

Speaker 2:

Your PC goes. An hour later it installed 16 megabyte files. You connect to the internet and you can go on MSN Messenger and say to somebody you'd seen an hour ago at school what's up? And say what's up. And seen in a row at school what's up? And say what's up. And then you think of something to, and now they've got WhatsApp.

Speaker 1:

There you go and now you've got WhatsApp.

Speaker 2:

And then your mum would set up the phone and say I need to ring your nan, I need the phone line and you're like but mum, I'm talking to. I'm talking to Kelly or whoever whichever girl it was she phantomed at the time and you're like gotta go, babe. Sorry, darling, Sorry, hot stuff. Mum's got a ring down. There's no mobile phones here. No, the thing is the reply back Kelly's offline Kelly yeah, oh Kelly, never mind the good old days, oh Kelly, never mind the good old days.

Speaker 1:

One of the listeners, written in one listener's put, what happens when you have a bladder infection.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what happens when you have a bladder infection.

Speaker 1:

You're in trouble, you're in trouble.

Speaker 2:

Did you write that yourself? Did you write it into yourself?

Speaker 1:

Go on hotmailcom email to me that could have been someone from africa who knows um. The wifey wife has emailed in oh, very good subject line pick up your socks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, stop leaving your shit on the floor.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a slave, you smelly man subject line dip your tackle into this feedback goals. Hi lads, brilliant pod this month, hilarious. It's slightly awkward that I was crying with laughter while walking the small one round the park. A couple of things. Waco, pronounced Waco, in Texas was the location of a massively bad shootout between police and a cult. Not sure if you need to mention it, but I'm not sure pronouncing it a wacko was ideal sorry listeners.

Speaker 2:

Every day, it's all day awkward.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's waco. Apologies to those living in waco. Um, if you'd like to do another dialect segment, I'm happy to represent essex there you go, nice, maybe we'll get on with the Christmas special.

Speaker 2:

Could do.

Speaker 1:

Listening to the bit about the Blarney Castle staircase made me sweaty and hot.

Speaker 2:

Ooh, la la.

Speaker 1:

Just hearing about it.

Speaker 2:

Ooh, I know what to whisper to George and I when I say it at the wedding Staircase, Blarney Castle. Ooh, I'm on to whisper to Georgia now when I say it at the wedding Staircase, milani Stone's staircase. Oh, on my wedding night, she probably didn't mean it in an erotic way.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think she did. She probably meant it in a scared of heights way. Yeah, I'm pretty confident.

Speaker 2:

Greg, try it tonight. Wiles, try it. Just whisper into her ear.

Speaker 1:

Milani Castle's staircase.

Speaker 2:

See what happens. See if you get lucky.

Speaker 1:

Props to Gnome Craig for that one Glory hole. This had my crying laughing in the park. Gnome Dan's proper lost it laugh came out.

Speaker 2:

I forgot about that glory hole.

Speaker 1:

Look at us in back can't believe you made it public knowledge that I accidentally fed Logan spicy food. Poor guy enjoyed it enough to keep eating it though. Public mum shaming again we've all done it, we've all done it. My boobs do not hang anywhere um and quotation marks. My wife likes a power drill hilarious we should have called the last episode, innuendo.

Speaker 1:

Never mind episode, whatever it was and lastly, if Craig would like to install a kitchen, I'm more than happy for him to come and help me do ours when we get round to it, if he likes. Love you both. A total classic wifey wife nice thanks, wifey.

Speaker 1:

Wife, we always appreciate the feedback very good, we have a message from mini mess makers. Nice, I loved the latest pod. I wanted to say thank you for talking about russell in the previous episode. It's coming handy, as my daughter has been asking lots of questions about being died and I loved how Craig explained it and why. It's sad, but also happy. Keep up the good work. That's nice isn't it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my favourite listener, thank you very much, Very good, and we're obviously going to see you in a couple of weeks as well. Yeah Well, yay, yeah, my favourite listener, thank you very much. Very good, and we'll see. We're obviously going to see you in a couple of weeks as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah well, yay thirsty, firsts, thirsty, firsts, thirsty firsts, thirsty firsts, thirsty firsts, yeah, thirsty firsts, the thirsty fridge for the last time this season, please tell me you've got some, and then I'm going to sober.

Speaker 2:

Are you getting sober?

Speaker 1:

yes, well, well, I'll thirsty. First I'll just stick with stuff I know like tribute and doing that well, are you going to bring?

Speaker 2:

are you going to bring, are you counselling the features? Is this the last time we'll ever have thirsty first? No, until next season, until next, I was saying next season until next, I'll say a few weeks.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going into the first fridge now. I would like to state that the firsty firsts this week, this month, were bought by the wifey wife, so all you have to blame is the wifey wife.

Speaker 2:

There is absolutely no way in hell. She has bought you something that isn't epic compared to your blueberry shit that you've been eating for the last few weeks. Here we go.

Speaker 1:

It's Vocation Brewery. I've had Vocation Brewery before.

Speaker 2:

Okay, special edition. Show me the count.

Speaker 1:

It's a double Tonka frappe Coffee stout.

Speaker 2:

Okay, no see, no coffee stout. I am a fan of coffee stout 8%, which is reasonable.

Speaker 1:

It's a nice yellow, yellow can of a glass with whipped cream and chocolate and a straw.

Speaker 2:

That's going to be delicious.

Speaker 1:

A double Tonka Frappe, bold and beautiful beer for the many, a rich and full bodied stout with freshly brewed coffee aromas. The addition of tonka beans adds a complex sweetness and a depth of flavour, boosting the coffee notes and bringing out vanilla, caramel and chocolate.

Speaker 2:

Now see, that's going to be incredible. Absolutely, she's now suitable for vegans.

Speaker 1:

You're only saying that because of my flight, if I got it, you'd be.

Speaker 2:

There's one that Bauder used to do called Spill the Beans Porter. You're only saying that because of my thought. If I got it. So, there's a one that Borda used to do called Spill the Beans Porter, and it was a Welsh brewery who made it, and coffee vanilla porters are the best. There's one called Worcester Chestnut Ale, which is amazing. Georgie knows beer better than you know beer. You drink shit beer. She's bought you. No the can. I don't like the can. I'm not going to lie. I don't like all the creamy stuff, but that that's going to be incredible. I'm very jealous.

Speaker 2:

This is the first time I'm jealous of a thirsty first Cue, the game Cheers. Enjoy that, enjoy that's incredible.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's really nice.

Speaker 2:

That's really nice but then the coffee stout beer like, especially as the weather's got cold oh, that's lovely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's not oh, that's a.

Speaker 2:

It's happy listeners that's a.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's a. That's a Christmas time sat by the fire, sort of beer. Yeah, so not quite the season. We're obviously not there yet, although we did put the heating off for the first time today.

Speaker 2:

Listeners, I've got to let you peek behind the camera.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's really good, very good.

Speaker 2:

When he finds a good beer gets so happy, his little face glows. Like he doesn't just look happy, his whole body moves. Like his posture gets better. Like good beer improves his posture, his chest comes out.

Speaker 1:

But it's really like that, that first look, that first taste that's another podcast series. First tastes is it's really important, isn't it? Because you only get first taste once, yes, and if it's a good one, oh, and then you're just chasing, chasing that first taste again, and then you just don't get it, you do, but again it's.

Speaker 2:

I'm a big fan of coffee and vanilla and caramel notes, if they get the balance right. It's hard to beat he's enjoying it, oh lovely. Well, give me a few cans of that for when I'm over, would you?

Speaker 1:

Wells cheers, wells cheers, thanks to you to the final, to two lovely seasons and hopefully a third one hopefully a third one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely a third one. I want the third one. Yeah, absolutely a third one. I'm on the Budvar, budvar, the Budvar Czech Lager.

Speaker 1:

Shall we start our first looks.

Speaker 2:

Let's do it. Wells, let's do it.

Speaker 1:

All right, I'll start, if you don't mind.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely not go ahead.

Speaker 1:

So my first look relates to is linked to one of your first looks a few episodes ago. Very similar Now Mr Hodgkiss is. Although he looks like Peter Pan, he's a little bit older than me by a couple of months.

Speaker 2:

And he bags in a bar to prove it.

Speaker 1:

And I've had a very similar experience to him. I was playing with a dog and so you know, tug of war, toy with the dog. I just I stepped I stepped, just stepped, just to clarify Just to clarify.

Speaker 1:

Just to clarify I wasn't doing a marathon run, I wasn't down the gym, I didn't do a 10K race. I wasn't playing football, I wasn't playing rugby. I wasn't doing anything extreme activities. I stepped to the left the loudest crunch sound I've ever heard and my left ankle just went to the side and collapsed. I fell down on the sofa in agony and, yeah and yes, the next day it was swollen, bruised. It was just a sprain in the end, but I shouldn't get a sprain from just stepping on my foot.

Speaker 2:

Time to go. Warn the dog oh sugar.

Speaker 1:

I mean I would like to say it was an old war injury or something like that, but it wasn't. I got hit by a car walking back from a hooters competition.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, after the hooters um bikini contest that was champions league I can't remember that was the next night exactly we've been to hospital. We went to hospital the next night, was it.

Speaker 1:

No, so we went to the bikini contest. Did you go to the bikini contest?

Speaker 2:

No, I didn't go to the bikini contest. I was working in Bungus.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You came in to see me. I was at the bikini contest, absolutely leathered.

Speaker 1:

So I finished the bikini contest. I think we had a pop by my friend's place To pick up something, because there was a day where you needed an ID and, yeah, I just got hit by a car.

Speaker 2:

Well, you stopped right in front of a car. Let's be honest.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, no, no, it drove through an amber light, but yeah, so it hit me and yeah, so that's where the original injury came from and it never really recovered. But yeah, now I just step on it and it sprains because I'm old, but yeah, so my first look at a 40-year-old plus dad injury Nice so which I know you said about with your bowling. So that's my first look at a dad injury um it's all downhill for me, mate.

Speaker 2:

I'm not gonna lie like yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I've got, um, I've got my dad dancing coming up. In a couple weeks I'm probably gonna have to wear an ankle support, just uh, just to give it a little bit of extra support because, um, yeah, I don't want to just step to the left on a try to slide or do it to the macarena or something and that just collapses on me. But, um, yeah, so my first look at uh, a dad injury oh god love. That's terrible, but the crunch is the best word I could use to explain the sound.

Speaker 2:

Was it like you tried the pack of Quavers?

Speaker 1:

No, something with a bit more Doritos, or Doritos, yeah, some Doritos actually. Yeah, a big pack of Doritos, just like that was, yeah, the sound of it.

Speaker 2:

They're not good so I went to so again, following on from this conversation about dad injuries, I I saw I may have said this already, so I apologize for repeating myself I spoke to um and there's some connecting of the dots go to the physio about a couple of the injuries and if it yet you have to start building strength around your joints. So it's like you think, okay, do we need to?

Speaker 1:

So our tank calls and stuff you have to.

Speaker 2:

This is where you see all the mammals the middle-aged men in Lycra riding bikes. You see all these people running and they look like they're about to collapse and die, but they're not. They're trying to build up the muscle around the joints so you need to. You need to get yourself out there. If your ankles are sore, maybe you need to start swimming or rowing or running or cycling I don't know something like that, maybe some what they called those dance, those dance classes, fitness classes, zumba, zumba.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's a bit of Zumba, maybe.

Speaker 2:

Ladies and gentlemen, he's trying Zumba in front of me right now.

Speaker 1:

It's quite interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, get some Zumba on the go.

Speaker 1:

That's why it's good me and Craig don't live in the future, because we'd be going on a Saturday morning, we'd be going to Zumba classes together and I'm like just to go to the next. First look, that was a great story, craig, great story so, uh.

Speaker 2:

So my first look while in lab two and the first one I am going to talk about is moving home. So, as regular listeners, our regular Fab 50 would know, we've been trying to move home.

Speaker 1:

We have finally managed to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it probably was, and we've finally done it.

Speaker 2:

We've finally got over the line and we're in our new home. I don't know what it sounds like to anybody else but the. I couldn't find my podcast microphone, so we've only been in the new place for just a week and and somewhere in a box, somewhere it's my microphone. I don't know where I'm going to do podcast, so I've had to do it in headphones and with a microphone patched in. So I apologize for the sound. It's bad, but we've moved home and, williams, much like your dad injury, I'm going to say I am a broken man, I am sore, I am tired, I am cranky. Moving home is like one of these special moments. And, yes, the picture of the keys was lovely. I sent you a picture of the keys.

Speaker 1:

And it was like there we go, we've got the keys. It's like the top five, most stressful thing.

Speaker 2:

Actually, we have moved house a lot, so we've been my wife and myself are these one of these people? We've lived in a lot of houses, we've done a lot of things. We're always kind of like, oh, moving, moving across to try and move off, and never really kind of bothered about where we live. We just work. Okay, we'll try these things. This move, though, has broken us.

Speaker 1:

It's broken us, but it should be the last move for a while yeah, well, we're at the age now as well.

Speaker 2:

We've got the fab 50 and we're the fab 40. It's. We're at the stage now where we're like you know what, don't really want to move again, I just want to. I think in the words of sheldon from the big bang theory I'm too old for this crud.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to move again well, and also, if you lift a box, it won't break an ankle or something.

Speaker 2:

So you may break it's a dangerous thing now, these days well, I'll tell you this one. So I I have, the house we moved out of was a three-story house and we, to get rid of stuff, we just put everything upstairs out the way. So but then you put it up there, you move house, you've got to put it all back down yeah so yeah, the amount of ups and downs, and ups and downs, and ups and downs of staircases was just ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

My poor knees well, they can't take it but did they help build up the joints, the muscles around the joints?

Speaker 2:

apparently may have done it. There was. There was one particular period you talked about this trend on the doritos and going crunch. There was one. There was one particular period you talked about this trend on Doritos and going crunch. There was one.

Speaker 1:

There was one thing when you, you know, when you miss a stair, yeah so I was carrying boxes your heart skips a beat at that moment as well, doesn't it? Oh, it really does so I'm coming down.

Speaker 2:

I can't see the stairs. I'm counting the stairs and I think I'm at the bottom of the stairs. Oh no, but I'm not at the bottom of the stairs and I landed on the knee and I was like oh shit. And I was like take a minute. I was like, oh, I'm all right. I'm all right, I'm all right, but the adrenaline that just shot through straight away. I was like I've done something here. I've done something here. And the last thing, like my wife's a nurse, which means she has no sympathy.

Speaker 1:

The adrenaline the adrenaline when you're a 40 year old dad is missing the step. What a buzz that was.

Speaker 2:

What a buzz buzzing off my tits, mate. I missed the step. Aye, aye, get out of it. And so I was buzzing off my tits, mate. I missed a stare. Aye, aye, get out of it. And so I was buzzing off my tits, having missed a stare, and my first thought was, if you're sore and you have to say to your wife, brad, I've hurt me, I was like I can't do it. I can't do it because she'd be like take some pills and I'll be like no, jenny, there's no symptom.

Speaker 2:

No symptom, she's like she's mostly and she's right, she's like it's most of it is self-inflicted, or me being a big Jenny and there's nothing wrong with me. This one was like I've hurt my neck. Have I have? I have I? No, I'm alright, I'm alright, right.

Speaker 1:

I'm all right.

Speaker 2:

So we survived. But the general stress of moving house, yeah, it's lovely to actually be in, but I have empathy for anybody who has to do it, because you have so many things especially. You know we said before this podcast is two dads doing silly things, so it's all the parents out there will probably appreciate. You're also trying to like your kid's having to move house and if your kid's been settled somewhere and you're like, right, we're going to move to this new house, it's unsettling for them but you're still trying to work. You're having to do all the admin and all of this stuff is everywhere.

Speaker 1:

Life goes on, you can't take off later time.

Speaker 2:

So no, you can't, you can't, so you have to kind of like we at one of our biggest worries. So in in the new house, frames, babies, it's old and it's had it since it was three and we've taken it off and put it down. And taken it off and put it down and in the new place, because it's in the loft area yeah, that because he's got the, the ease and the roof slants. We're like all these beds, one of those cabin style beds, and like, oh, it probably won't fit very well, so we'll get him a new bed. But then, like the stress of kind of and it's not really stress you just kind of get where you're getting upset but you start overthinking well, how attached is it to this bed, what's gonna happen if we don't give it? And with him, is it gonna freak?

Speaker 2:

out yeah, yeah, yeah. You overthink everything, everything, everything small becomes a bit of a I don't know did you have me? This did you we had a company. So what we did? We had a week of overlap. Um so we did. I reckon we probably moved half of the house ourselves yeah and then we had two blokes on a van to come and move the sofas and the beds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and all the awkward stuff worth having funny yeah, they were, so they came for about six hours and did all that a lot of people do it all themselves and the amount of stress and like just moving a sofa is just like up and down stairs from one place to the next place is just an absolute nightmare.

Speaker 2:

Well, we couldn't fit our sofa in the front room, so our sofa and my sofa is currently in a different room because that's where it would fit. And then we had to go to Oxfam to get a smaller sofa that would fit so good to make this in the front room. So, yeah, can you imagine doing that? Can you imagine if you're a husband and wife, or a husband and husband or a wife and wife, and you're lifting this sofa to me, to you, to me, to you, so at least with the movers doing it, and they say this is okay, you're like, you believe them. You're like well, they're professionals.

Speaker 2:

So they say this doesn't fit they've done it so many times imagine, right, imagine you're moving a sofa with georgie and it's really heavy and it's really awkward. We would imagine it. Yeah, you won't be married. You've mentioned, yeah, this will fit, this will fit, but it just won't fit.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, have you ever had a problem with it not fitting well or you get, or you get, or you get halfway up, and then it's too big and then you realize it's too big and then it's stuck.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so what you're saying is you've got it halfway there. Well, if, when you're trying to go around the corner, trying to go around like wow, but is this the first date? Second date, third date, so you're moving house, you're trying to go around the corner. See, these are the stresses. These are the stresses so yes first look at moving house. I'm just going to make that noise, just think flipping Nora. First look at moving house I'm gonna make that noise, just thank, like a horse flipping nora. It's done flipping nora it's done, you've.

Speaker 1:

I've had a nice first look at the house today. The wi-fi had a tour of the house. I left the room to the hallway, umaged to go outside, pitch black. He's got windows, everybody. He's got windows, there's windows.

Speaker 2:

You expect there to be windows, don't you? Yeah, and you're glad when you see that there are windows.

Speaker 1:

I think I saw at least four, four windows, which is exciting yeah, lots of windows. And then yeah, the Wi-Fi ran out. Yes, and before that, and then yeah, the one, if I ran out.

Speaker 2:

So, yes, and before that, you got to see Brian dancing like an absolute lunatic. I did, I did. It can not. Some concerns me.

Speaker 1:

I was quite impressed with his dancing, to be fair.

Speaker 2:

I'm very concerned. I'm concerned about the man he's going to be.

Speaker 1:

I think he's got some leaves he's got something.

Speaker 2:

I'll see what happens. He's got something. What's in that thing is when you're on sun, you've got no one to blame but yourself if it turns out to be a lunatic. It's probably because the way he's being brought up yeah, yeah absolutely. Anyway, that was my first look at moving home, don't get it unless you have to tips for dads. Tips for dads don't go unless you have to tips for dads.

Speaker 1:

Tips for dads don't move home. Tips for dads. Tips for dads get your tips out for the dads. Have you got any tips?

Speaker 2:

if I haven't any tips, the tips would be it would probably be related to moving home and we just touched on it. Don't don't be overly manly and be like I can move the sofa, I can move all of this myself, because you're on a hiding to nothing. You'll hurt your back, you'll hurt your knees, you won't fit it through the door. Your wife will shout at you. Just do yourself a favour and pay the professional movers to come and do it for you and actually actually I do have another tip as well, worth every penny if you do move house, first thing to do set up the speakers.

Speaker 2:

Get the music playing makes everything better. That's a good tip. Yeah, forget, forget all the, they've got it all. Where should we put it? No, set the speakers up, get your favourite tunes playing and it boosts the mood. So when you're moving stuff in the boxes, you've got good tunes playing everyone does it in a joyous way.

Speaker 1:

That is a very good tip.

Speaker 2:

Tips for dads. Tips for dads Prioritise music.

Speaker 1:

My tip is, and which has actually been recommended by the wifey wife, by the wifey wife, which links to a previous, a previous episode. So when, when you realise you shouldn't say something and use the word hanging, when you're referring to someone's bosoms, when you realize that when you realize that and you realize you're wrong using the word hanging for bosoms for your wife's bosoms in particular um don't then go on a podcast and refer to your wife's bosoms as hanging.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, that is a good tip, to be fair, that's a good tip about the tips.

Speaker 1:

Yes. Tips for dance. Tips for dance. Tips for dance.

Speaker 2:

Don't say the tips to hangings.

Speaker 1:

You'll get in trouble so this is for the moms.

Speaker 2:

This is for the women in the group. First look for the mom. Why?

Speaker 1:

are we doing that?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, just because I feel like it's a proper, like the people I'm about to talk about would probably give my mom like oh, young man. So we got, and I mean it's not a very manly thing to do or to talk about this subject, but we went to see uh. The world premiere of uh the lame is a robla arena tour show.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So Les Miserables, the West End production, are doing a big arena show?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I didn't know that and it's going on a world tour.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and there's too many involved in the show who all the moms love. When I say moms, I don't mean moms as in our, our wife moms, I mean like the grandma's love, all right, like my mom loves, yeah, michael ball and alfie bow, oh, young man, uh, so they're doing the lane miserab the tour, and they're the two. They're the two kind of jean valjean and javert um, and it was in the belfast arena this week an arena tour is that is that too big though, for uh.

Speaker 1:

So is it as per the west end, but in an arena or it.

Speaker 2:

It was genuinely incredible, like really was just like holy crap, this is really good. Um, so it was. I bought leslie on tickets because let's unlock limits did, you did you hear the people sing? We did hear the people sing and it blew me away. The we bought Leslie on tickets to go and I almost forgot another bought them because we put the tickets so long ago. Yeah, but we remembered and remembered and we got a babysitter and we went.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And we had good seats on the ground floor. And even when you walk into the arena because it's an arena the stage and the lighting setup is incredible. Yeah, and they've got this. It's not like just a stage.

Speaker 1:

They've got stuff in front of the stage and it lifts up and then it reveals the orchestra If they've got an from the front of the stage and it lifts up and then it reveals the orchestra.

Speaker 2:

I think on the arena there's so much more they can do. Yeah, and they really did Like the lighting and the screens and just everything was brilliant. And Michael Ball can sing and Alfie Bowe can sing even better, and then the ensemble cast can sing even better than the pair of them. It was just really, really impressive. So I mean it's a very good. We came out just thinking there's a lot of plot holes in that story, really, like it didn't really. It was like Javert was all pissed off and jumped off a bridge.

Speaker 2:

You know why are you jumping off a bridge, you lunatic. And then the girl who's in love with a guy and she's in love with somebody else decides to like, run over the barricade and ends up dead and he's all happy because the person she dies in the guy's arms, even though she's not on the way. If we don't love you, let's look at the evidence here. Wells, right, she's in love with this guy who's just fallen in love with another person who is known for less than 24 hours. If I'm the girl who's like, oh well, I can. I'm thinking, actually, if he's fallen in love with her for the 24 hours, it's clearly a bit mentally unstable. Maybe I'll go for his friend John Smith or something like it.

Speaker 2:

There was a lot of things just like that doesn't make any sense, that wouldn't happen, but yeah. Of things just like that doesn't make any sense, I wouldn't happen, but yeah. But then again, you're not really there to critique the story. You're there to hear the singers and see the stage, no, and see Michael Ball the bear knees in Sunday best thing in a song about stars.

Speaker 1:

Michael Borman or Alphabet man.

Speaker 2:

I see I did like Michael Ball Until, until it took over. Sunday Love Songs From Steve Wright.

Speaker 1:

So Legs, enemy.

Speaker 2:

Big shoes to fill, big shoes to fill, and he does not Feel them well either, like he's too Fawny and Michael Ball's Michael Ball. I like him as a singer and I liked him in Hairspray, but I'm not a big fan of him on Sunday love song, but in the arena he was brilliant. He was absolutely brilliant. There was a guy there's a guy from Northern Ireland who we used to work with called Peter Corey, who originally played Java in in Les Miserables and he played it. He was one of the first people. He organised an arena show of Les Mis in Belfast about 20 years ago and we went to his Christmas show a couple of years ago and he sung Stars, which is the big Javert song, and we saw him sing it and we saw Michael Ball sing it. And here's one for the Northern Irish folks Peter Corey sang it better but Michael Ball was still very good. But Alfie Bo was far better than Michael Ball. Alfie Bo was genuinely like wow, he's really good. He was brilliant.

Speaker 1:

The whole show was brilliant what's the capacity at Belfast Arena?

Speaker 2:

so it's not the full arena. The stage is about a third of the way up. They've been here for 10 days and they're doing a matinee and evening show, so it's not the full arena. The stage is about a third of the way up. Okay, so they've been here for 10 days and they're doing a matinee and evening show and I reckon there's probably about 6,000, 7,000 seats and they've sold out the whole thing sold out. Good yeah, I've played with a lot of people.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But it's a big cast.

Speaker 1:

There's like 40, 50 people and the orchestra and stuff, so must be good at when the battle scenes and things must be.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's all. The lights are going off and like there's lasers being fired and I said, to let it looks like Star Wars and one of the lasers. And you just wanna under the bonner and like she was. Like I've been shot but the whole thing was lovely.

Speaker 2:

It was a really good night, really good show. Good to see michael born after bow, because we didn't know they were in it, like we just booked the tickets and yeah, they were there and it was. It was good. I would recommend it to anybody. I would recommend it to anybody Any more first looks from you, you sh**.

Speaker 1:

It's the final episode of the season, so I've got to make it special, but I didn't prepare the last first look of the season. It's the last first look of the season, but I've not prepared. In reality, what I did was I did a quick Google, I did first look news and I did was. I did a quick Google, I did first look news and I've just picked I've just picked some random things that came up when I so um, not review the year?

Speaker 2:

nothing like that. No, no, um.

Speaker 1:

so I just yes, some some recent, recent news has come up from google, um, so from boat international, I presume. It's a magazine about boats. So today on boat international, we get a first look inside the first wally Y100 sailing yacht. Wow, look at that bad boy. There you go. So I've just shared an image and maybe I'll put it on Instagram, but there we go, we've got a first look inside the first Wally Y100, which I don't think is the best name for a boat. Yeah, it looks very flat as well, doesn't it?

Speaker 1:

And it looks like it's worth quite a lot of money. If you're in the market for a Wally Y100, can you see the price? Michalchikis?

Speaker 2:

So hang on. Can I just pause a second? Of course you can. So your last, the last. First look of the series is a boat. You're not a boater.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not, but I've just. This is what Google is providing me. So there we go.

Speaker 2:

Hang on, hang on a second. No, no, no, no, no. You've got to do better than this, williams, this is the last first look of the series. You cannot just go on Google and find a boat Come on.

Speaker 1:

there must be something else. I know it's terrible. They're dining for up to 15 people.

Speaker 2:

So there you go, our 50 listeners are not going to go and buy a Wally, wally, wobble, wobble boat.

Speaker 1:

They might do the old chappy in Cairo, who knows? What else have we got in first look news? We've got our first look.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to get on a bloody boat.

Speaker 1:

So All Saints, not the band. The shop opens its first African store in Egypt. There you go. All Saints has opened a Stanley store in Cairo's Mall of Arabia in Egypt. If you can't say that's not relevant to our listeners, then I don't know which one that could be.

Speaker 2:

It's such a tip. What are you talking about? All Saints have opened a shop in Egypt. We've been talking about things like the moving house and Logan doing his first walk and oh, now, all Saints have opened a shop in Egypt. You're not the bloody BBC News at 10. I'm in other news there's a big boat. Oh, now, all Saints have opened a shop in Egypt. You're not the bloody BBC News at 10. Like you know. And another news there's a big boat and All Saints have opened a shop in Egypt. I don't shop in All Saints, I'm 40. And I'm a bit tubby, so there's no way I can go to All Saints. Like, when was the last time you shopped in All Saints?

Speaker 1:

Have you ever bought enough?

Speaker 2:

Anywhere. When was the last time you bought an item of clothing from All Saints?

Speaker 1:

I don't think I ever had so why are you talking about All Saints?

Speaker 2:

What else?

Speaker 1:

have? We got Another news Bum, bum, bum bum.

Speaker 2:

Oh dear.

Speaker 1:

It's the 10 o'clock news, the first of the homes. We've got a first look inside the new mesmerising museum of illusions in Manchester have you been there?

Speaker 2:

have you seen it? No, no, no, you haven't even looked at it. You've just looked at an article on Google about it the UK's first museum of illusions opens in Manchester.

Speaker 1:

there you go, it's got multiple illusions there we go.

Speaker 2:

You're unbelievable.

Speaker 1:

And we've even got a windswept man performing at the launch party. Look at that.

Speaker 2:

That was good to see, wasn't it in the flesh Walliams?

Speaker 1:

So a windswept man they're quite popular they used to be popular which is basically a man that has a tie that's stuck up and it looks like they're caught in the wind Hilarious.

Speaker 2:

Right, okay, ladies and gentlemen, and there you go.

Speaker 1:

That's my first looks. The end of the season.

Speaker 2:

Unbelievable. Unbelievable. You know what? I'm not even angry, I'm just disappointed.

Speaker 1:

Maybe not the best for listeners, I suppose actually is it.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're not really talking from the heart here when you kind of like I just basically went on the internet and I've been very busy. And now, to be fair, you have been very busy, but to be fair also, considering we were meant to record this podcast seven days ago and then seven days before that, you've had a bit of time to prepare. Yeah, it's going to be hit and miss whether the audience has come back for that. I hope.

Speaker 1:

It'll be interesting how many people return to season three. No one home. Where is he? Have you got any questions for him?

Speaker 2:

I'll google it. You're gonna google the question for the note, or no?

Speaker 1:

here we go, here we go, here we go. I'm gonna use uh co-pilot. Here we go. How many questions you want, craig?

Speaker 2:

well I can, I'm gonna go in first well, no, he's not here, that no, I mean how many questions.

Speaker 1:

How many questions do you want to give the net or gnome? Oh, we should probably give him a couple, a couple questions.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, a couple of questions I'm going to ask.

Speaker 1:

Copilot, please, manners, sorry, you say please. Please provide two questions for the know it or gnome.

Speaker 2:

I'm going for a win. Hang on here we go?

Speaker 1:

hello know it. Or gnome, how are you doing? Hello Daniel, how are you? I'm not too bad. I'm clutching at straws a bit this episode Using Google and using Copilot, so I just want to remind listeners you can write in your own questions. They know, all know.

Speaker 2:

Can I ask why you feel the need to use Copilot and Google? Is everything okay, everything's fine, are you okay?

Speaker 1:

I'm just not as knowledgeable as you. Are you okay in yourself? I am. Well, I've finished my beer. I've finished my beer.

Speaker 2:

Are you taking the right time to give yourself a break?

Speaker 1:

Do we have time for another Thirsty First, or is it a bit late? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Oh no. Are you drinking to drown the sorrows? Are you drinking to drown the sorrows? Are you drinking to mask some feelings inside, or are you drinking for the joy? I'm drinking for the joy. That's okay, I'm always drinking for the joy. Are you sure? Yes, open up the fridge and have another beer. Open the fridge.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I don't know, but I've just had a nice one though.

Speaker 2:

What have you got now?

Speaker 1:

Thirsty first, thirsty first, thirsty first, thirsty first. Oh no Ooh, death by cherries.

Speaker 2:

Now, as a wise gnome, I can safely say put that back in the fridge, because it's going to be horrific.

Speaker 1:

It's a fruit sour 4.5%. It's a black black tin with a pair of cherries, but as skulls, red skulls, that's quite good artwork. Rich, jammy tart, a mouth-wateringly jammy, kettle-soured fruit beer, full to the brim with black cherries for an intense, rich, sweet and sour brew, as vibrant in flavour as it is in colour and refreshing to the very end. It sounds horrendous, so it might be. I mean, it's quite the contrast to what I've just had. But let's give it a go, sean, if I were you, I would not even bother opening it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I've just opened it.

Speaker 1:

What do you know?

Speaker 2:

That's probably going to be purple and horrendous.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've no idea what colour is it. I think I've discovered. I don't really like it's purple. It's purple. No, yeah, I don't like salad beers, but I quite like mustangs. Cheers, is your face right now what I'm making? Cheers, good luck. Cheers, is your face all right now I was making.

Speaker 2:

I can't Cheers Good luck.

Speaker 1:

It's not too bad. Actually, that's not too bad.

Speaker 2:

He's lying.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not. I was expecting more of a, but it's all right, cheers, cheers. So no or no? Yes, daniel the ai has spoken. Hello ai okay. So ai has said hey, no at all, no, hello. Can you tell us about the first time you saw something truly magical in the garden? What was it and how did it make you feel?

Speaker 2:

I can, I absolutely can, so I love spending time in the garden. I would recommend anybody who is feeling a bit stressed to spend time outside, and I remember vividly the first time I fell in love with being in a garden. It was when I grew a dahlia, a pink dahlia, and I was blown away by the symmetry, the shape and the colour of this wonderful little flower. But we grew this little dahlia, me and Mrs, mrs Know-It-All-Know.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I haven't met Mrs Know-It-All-Know yet. We need to get her on the podcast. She's wonderful.

Speaker 2:

She's got a mint bottle and she she helped me grow and look after this dahlia. And when the dahlia died there was a sense of sadness but there was also a sense of joy that we had got to experience it. And I remember thinking to myself a lot of people had said about going outside, getting in contact with nature, growing, planting, being at one with the garden, and I remember feeling a sense of absolutely I get it, I get this, it is worth it. So the first time I fell in love with gardening was because of a pink dahlia and I fell in love with the garden and being outside, and ever since then we have had lovely gardens full of colour.

Speaker 1:

Ah, beautiful, beautiful. A second question from AI Know it all Gnome. We've heard that gnomes have a great sense of humour. Yes, can you share a funny story about two dads doing something silly that made you laugh out loud?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I can. I listened to a podcast called First Look Gnomes. There were two dads on there, one called Mr Williams and one called Mr Hodgkiss. I recently listened to an episode and it was very funny. Funny because you could see the trap. One of the gnomes was talking about his wife's bosoms and about them hanging. Now, anyone could see that that was going to end up in disaster. Most people would have stepped back from the brink and the edge. But no, not these two silly sausages. They would head first into the boobs Not for the first time, I've heard and I sat there gleefully chuckling to myself, thinking he's going to get in trouble for that. And, alas, what happened?

Speaker 2:

She wrote in and mentioned it and that does fill my heart with funny laughter. I'm just like what a tit.

Speaker 1:

No pun intended, a pair of lovely thank you there. Thank you, you're welcome. Where's Craig gone anyway? He went for a wee Did he. There's a weak bladder.

Speaker 2:

You're in trouble. He's back now. Hello Craig, hello, now we're in trouble.

Speaker 1:

Hello Greg, hello, now we're all home, shall we Garden Shall we finish on a couple of dad jokes.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, I've got one. Yeah.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's not a dad joke. Actually it's very rude. Oh, go for it, I can bleep it out, go for it I can bleep it out.

Speaker 1:

Want to tell it? Go for it. I can just bleep it out, Superman right, superman.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm just thinking. Actually this is not a very PC joke. No, I just thought actually the context of this joke could be seen as a bit rapey. Oh dear, you know what I'm not going to tell the rest of that.

Speaker 1:

No, okay, no.

Speaker 2:

I've never really thought about it in any depth. But as soon as you do think about it in depth, you're like that's maybe.

Speaker 1:

Oh, dear, moving on, I'm going to stop that.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, have you got any nice wholesome bad jokes, Any nice wholesome jokes. How do you find Will Smith in a snowstorm? How do you find?

Speaker 1:

Will Smith in a snowstorm? Don't know.

Speaker 2:

You look for fresh prints Yay. Yay, very good Any more.

Speaker 1:

A wholesome religious joke, oh, which I can only half remember, so we'll give it a go. Let's see what happens so the, the the note on I was walking, walking along. He's one today. He wanted to buy a new horse. This is walking along down to the local horse stables as you do he.

Speaker 1:

He met the local vicar Hello, vicar, how are you doing? Oh, pretty good, I'm selling my horse. Oh, lovely, lovely, a happy coincidence. Happy coincidence. So he said how much do you want for your horse? Oh, just a few quid. Oh, lovely, lovely, I'll buy the horse. Um. So he um exchanged exchange coins, bought the horse and then, but then realized, oh, what, what commands does he does he? Uh, um, listen to and um, the vicar went through and explained. He said um, so to uh to go forward, you say um, praise the lord um to go really fast, you say praise, praise, lord um. And uh to stop, you say amen, amen, lovely, lovely. So, yeah, he got the, got on the horse and, trotting down the street, trotted over the fields and it's a lovely day, you can see the seaside and he was trotting along towards the sea, towards the, towards the coastline. And he was trotting along towards the sea, towards the coastline, and he thought let's go for a bit of a giddy up and let's just go for it. See what?

Speaker 2:

you can do.

Speaker 1:

See what you can do. And we said let's go really fast. He went praise, praise, praise the Lord. And off he went, galloping down and he's like oh no, no, I'm going towards the cliff edge here. He's like whoa, horsey, whoa. But the horse kept going whoa, horsey, whoa, stop, horse, stop. They just kept galloping and galloping forward. There's oh no, the cliff edge is coming up. Oh no, oh no, my life is my life's gonna be over galloping really fast. They remembered oh, it's my life's going to be over galloping really fast. And then he remembered oh, it's amen to stop the horse. So he shouted amen. And then, just before he got to the edge, like just before he got to the edge of the cliff, he stopped. He stopped and he breathed a sigh of relief and he just looked up and he said, praise the Lord, you should have done that instead of your personal Google.

Speaker 2:

That was far better. Very good. I like that joke that's a good joke to end on that is end of the season. We'll see you in November, maybe December, maybe January bye everybody, bye, everybody, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, any more. First looks from you.

Speaker 1:

You're shit don't forget to write into first look gnomes at outlookcom or send us a message on instagram. First look gnome, season three coming soon.

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